Thursday, January 12, 2012

Knee injured

Saw a right knee with white cotton bandage on it. I consciously knew it was my mum's knee. I felt sorry and asked for it to be healed. Next I saw a sore left knee. I consciously knew that it was my knee. 

I wonder why it was my left and mum's right knee? 

Dreaming of the right, represents conscious reality, deliberate action and rational thoughts. It may also be a pun on the rightness of an idea, decision, or plan. You are doing the right thing.

Dreaming of the direction left, symbolizes the unconscious and your repressed thoughts/emotions. It is an indication of passivity.

Dreaming of your knees, symbolizes a level of support your may be receiving. It also indicates that you are feeling very emotional. Feelings of inadequacy and issues of power/control also come into play. You may have more than you can handle.

Yes, after an incident involving my sister, I decided to not worry about supporting mum. Mum and I are both emotionally hurt.