Two days after the dream of my hair being pulled, I had the dream that someone was looking to left and suddenly the face turned the other way. The person I felt it was, was the lady who had my leave approval in her hands. It surprised me to see her hair done up in a short pony tail. Currently, she doesn't do that hair style but I knew unmistakably that it was her. I wasn't sure what turning the face in the other direction would mean for me.
Apparently she was dead set to reject my request but when I gave her additional reasons why I wanted to take up the new job despite the inconvenience of two hour travel each day and an hourly rate cut to my pay, she changed her mind within the 10 minute conversation. I had previously given that information to her but she hadn't taken much notice but when I mentioned the same again with specific names and the extent of the issue I face, she immediately realised why it was best for her as a leader of the organisation to find a resolution and what I was proposing was a benificial step for all.
Apparently she was dead set to reject my request but when I gave her additional reasons why I wanted to take up the new job despite the inconvenience of two hour travel each day and an hourly rate cut to my pay, she changed her mind within the 10 minute conversation. I had previously given that information to her but she hadn't taken much notice but when I mentioned the same again with specific names and the extent of the issue I face, she immediately realised why it was best for her as a leader of the organisation to find a resolution and what I was proposing was a benificial step for all.