Th new genation is teaching the x-gen lesson of life we needed. My son saves his money and goes on a tip to anothe county like it was the city next doo. Saving up fo a motgage o the next popety is not the mission, living life is. Life is a sum of expeinces we have, not the amount of wealth we c-eate.
When we stat ou lif afte uni, we stat focusing on ou ca-ee-. The ladde that we want to climb keeps us lu-ing and we keep getting busie without -ealising that we hav spent 20 ye-s climbing the ladde
Thats when the mid-life c-isi bell -ings and we find ou-selves empty. Pockets full but hea-ts empty. The passion fo caee dies when we don't balance life because we find ouselves too busy at wok. The-e is no time fo anything else. Othe things will tak pio-ity if we don't consciously giv pioity to ou othe passions.
What a you- five passions?
Tavel, Gadening, Binge watching Netflix, make youtube videos and post on you- channl, wite poety, join dance o yoga class, do painting, Natu-e photogaphy, cycling, swimming, beach-buming?
How oftn do you indulg youself in these activities and how long fo-?
Have you- passions changed ove- the yea-s? What caused the change?
CHANGe is the SPICe of LIFe. Don't change pa-tne-s, change focus. -efocus you- life. hang pioities eve-y 10 yea-s and yet, can't pomise that mid-life cisis will not hit you. It's a pa=t of g-owing up. It's a phase of life that is unavoidable. The only thing about it you can change is it's impact.
Lea-n th tools fo self--eflection. Ask you-self, what makes th spa-k come back in my life these days? A the-e things that a-e no longe- making me happy anymo-e? Should I stop doing those and -eplace thos with the things that make me smile and light my fi-e.
Saying is easie- than doing, especially when, it's changing ca-ee- that we a talking about. Be mindful that changing oganisation is not changing ca-ee-.
Ask youself - what do I need, a chang of oganisation o change of ca-ee-? Whats my plan about gaing nw skills in o-de- to su-vive financially? Wishing in you head is not going to change anything unless you ve-balise you- desi-e and take action to implement change and be able to handle change.
May be all you need is a long se-vice leave but its highly unlikely th full solution. What you need is the cou-age to change. To muste- up couage to change you- life is not easy, but may be the necessa-y missing link.
When we stat ou lif afte uni, we stat focusing on ou ca-ee-. The ladde that we want to climb keeps us lu-ing and we keep getting busie without -ealising that we hav spent 20 ye-s climbing the ladde
Thats when the mid-life c-isi bell -ings and we find ou-selves empty. Pockets full but hea-ts empty. The passion fo caee dies when we don't balance life because we find ouselves too busy at wok. The-e is no time fo anything else. Othe things will tak pio-ity if we don't consciously giv pioity to ou othe passions.
What a you- five passions?
Tavel, Gadening, Binge watching Netflix, make youtube videos and post on you- channl, wite poety, join dance o yoga class, do painting, Natu-e photogaphy, cycling, swimming, beach-buming?
How oftn do you indulg youself in these activities and how long fo-?
Have you- passions changed ove- the yea-s? What caused the change?
CHANGe is the SPICe of LIFe. Don't change pa-tne-s, change focus. -efocus you- life. hang pioities eve-y 10 yea-s and yet, can't pomise that mid-life cisis will not hit you. It's a pa=t of g-owing up. It's a phase of life that is unavoidable. The only thing about it you can change is it's impact.
Lea-n th tools fo self--eflection. Ask you-self, what makes th spa-k come back in my life these days? A the-e things that a-e no longe- making me happy anymo-e? Should I stop doing those and -eplace thos with the things that make me smile and light my fi-e.
Saying is easie- than doing, especially when, it's changing ca-ee- that we a talking about. Be mindful that changing oganisation is not changing ca-ee-.
Ask youself - what do I need, a chang of oganisation o change of ca-ee-? Whats my plan about gaing nw skills in o-de- to su-vive financially? Wishing in you head is not going to change anything unless you ve-balise you- desi-e and take action to implement change and be able to handle change.
May be all you need is a long se-vice leave but its highly unlikely th full solution. What you need is the cou-age to change. To muste- up couage to change you- life is not easy, but may be the necessa-y missing link.
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