Friday, October 5, 2012

Scarred Leg

I went somewhere with a newly successful girl model that I know, who also happens to be a lawyer by profession. When I came back, it was now time to go with the new lady to show her where to go. I thought I was ready and was waiting for her to get ready.
As she was ready to leave, I looked down and saw my legs. I was wearing a very short skirt and my legs looked very hairy and ugly. In addition my right let was so deeply scarred that I could see the white flesh and it wasn't bleeding.

The new lady packed her two expensive dresses. When ready she asked me why am I not ready as I started looking for things to pack up for my baby. I told her that I didn't realise earlier that my baby also has to go with me.

While I was doing that other people kept coming and using my toilet as it was convenient for them.

Dreaming that you legs are wounded or crippled means a lack of balance, autonomy, or independence in your life.

I am affraid that the law suit will be very expensive for me and even my children might have to go to court as it might become a never ending case.

Seeing a toilet in your dream, symbolizes a release of emotions or getting rid of something in your life that is useless.

Therefore, I am also affraid that other people in this case will release their useless emotions at my legal expense.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Giving two chocolates to my kids

This morning I sw the dream that I was on the roof of a building walking with my eldest son. I was saying to him that I would like to buy 7000 acres. That would satisfy me. Next I was coming down from a tall water tank. A guy was standing on the ground watching me come down.
Next I was down and called my little two children to see that I had two chocolates in a bag for them. I was surprised myself how I ended up with the bag of chocolate when both my hands were busy coming down.

Any dream that features chocolate in it is a simple omen that presages good health and contentment, coupled with a pampered lifestyle.

Does it mean that besides the setbacks I will end up having the 700 Acre property?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cooking a bird dream

I had a dream where I was feeling extremely upset as some unkown person was demonstrating how to cook a bird. It was a beautiful little bird and I was feeling sorry for it and saying why would someone want to cook a little bird.

Next, I was in a well known politicians house. Myself, him and his wife were sitting on the dinning table. I was interested in the dessert he had prepared for himself to eat at breakfast time.

Next, I was doing everything right, I was being polite to his wife but somehow I keep ending up in his way. I sensed that he was getting upset, so I left his house. As I was walking towards my house, I heard him abuse me and asking me to leave. He was trying to embarrass me and I was glad that I had already left.

Birds represent physical and emotional freedom.
To dream of a cooked bird, suggests that you're feeling guilty about something.

To dream that you are watching others eat, means you feel left out of "the banquet of life" - you need more fulfillment.

If you dream of being abused, it forewarns that an enemy will trick you.