Thursday, September 8, 2016

Dream of honey, pig, foxes and a lady

A very vivid dream at around 5 am in which I saw a children's book dipped in a 2 litre honey bucket. I understand that part of the dream was related to the incident at my workplace regarding a damaged book that I wanted to read.

Next, I went for a short walk in the street. The bottom edge of my dress had honey on it. Then I noticed very clear water on the road, nearly up to my knees. I saw that as a good thing that the water would get rid of the honey. As I turned around to walk back towards the house, I noticed some animal run past me very fast. I went after it. It ran around the corner into a house, the front gate of which was open.

Now they were three foxes who quickly ran and grabbed a good size pig and tried to fly away with it. I was confused as to how could they fly with such a big pig and can foxes even fly. I felt sorry for the pig and started shouting pig pig to wake up the owner inside the house where they had a very attractive wolf and other animals. As a result of my actions, the foxes' hold on the pig loosened. The pig ran back inside and stood next to the mother pig that was lying on the ground and other piglets much smaller than this one, were sucking the milk of the mother pig.

I walked fast to get out of there as I didn't want the wolf to grab me. As I went back to the street, I watched this skinny lady with a fringe talking to people and trying to be the centre of attention over the pig incident as if she was the most important thing in the whole incident.
Next a man tried to punch me in the face twice for he was angry that I saved the pig. i understand this whole dream was to do with the local elections.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Salt with food or picking up coins

A dream of salt piled up next to a dessert is indicative of failure.

If you picked up small change in your dream, it's an omen that you will earn more money. The bigger notes are not good in a dream. They are indication of trouble with money. Giving your change to someone is giving your position to someone else.

I saw a heap of salt piled up next to my rice pudding. Then I saw some unique coins from a different civilisation that looked very new and interesting scattered on the ground. As I started picking them up , another girl started picking them up too. I got one or two more than her but then I saw another one of the unique coin that I had picked, so Instead of keeping it I offered it to her and Noticed that there were other coins of the same sort on the ground that I had picked up earlier that she could pick up now.
I have a job interview tomorrow. Is this in relation to unique answers that I will give but later, in her interview she would also have the same opportunity? Later I saw another dream that a girl with glasses was sitting on a scooter with six other girls, three in front of her and two behind but she was the driver. She was full of smiles. Does this indicate she will be the successful applicant?
Yes, my interpretation was correct. I didn't get the job but how did the universe decide before the interview that number four applicant was going to win the job? Was this decided by the universe at the moment of designing the interview questions?

It is not sufficient to set a goal and work towards it. The energy of people connected to you through that aspect of you life also influences your success and failure. So never underestimate the power of other people's thought energy. That's probably why having someone else to do the prayer for you works better as this gives you added energy that you require to succeed and for the universe to conspire your success. Yes, I meant conspire because sometimes you get recognition for little things and sometimes no recognition of even bigger contributions. It's not always what you do that matters but also how others perceive you. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Dream of pomegranate

I was having a snooze before I went for a property auction. I saw a ripe pomegranate but I couldn't see the whole fruit, only the first half.
Pomegranate represents life and blood. My husband and I were upset the night before that the community spirit has died and people think for their own interest ahead of community interest. This dream was an indication that the community spirit is still alive as pomegranate is the life blood of the community. When the property got passed in for negotiation, I understood why I only saw first half of the fruit and not the full fruit.
Regardless of the end result, I am pleased that my community is still together and willing to donate their money for mutual benefit.