Friday, February 22, 2013

farm animals were with us?

In the dream we were sitting outside the house, almost on the roadside. my middle son was saying where is my camel and was looking for it. I thought 4 camels were tied around the place. I also had vaguely seen 4 goats and 4 cows. when I tried and gazed I couldn't see the camel, my husband was sitting nest to me on the roadside grass and next to him I saw a cow or bull - I can't say which one it was.

Grazing farm animals generally reflect a sense of being provided for adequately. In early dream history, grazing animals were taken as a sign that prosperity and calm were coming to, or prevalent in, a land.

A bull signifies a Harworking but Dumb person.

Then I overheard two ladies talking. One of them was saying there are two properties for sale one is just the house but she thought the house with 31 Acres was a better buy. I heard her and smile in my heart saying everyone falls for the big acres and fail to see the condition of the house on it. I was detached from the properties.

Now I understand this dream was also related to the joint property in crisis and my husband was the dumb bull. I thought we were being provided for adequately but we don't end up with the wealth/ camels that we thought we had.